Why every donation matters?
Even 5€, the price of a cup of coffee, can help. It doesn‘t feel like much, does it? However, it does make a difference.
Depending on the type of contribution, the money is either spent on direct service help or on operational support of the organization (service payments, etc.) - and both these directions allow us to save lives of LGBTIQ people - together with you.
How would it feel to have no place to stay overnight?
Oftentimes LGBTQ people in danger cannot find accommodation and - already persecuted - are left with no roof above their heads. One night of shelter - and sometimes it is all they need to gain strength - equals one 30€ contribution.
How would it feel to escape from being captured at home?
Evacuation of one queer person costs us approximately 200€. If you contribute 20€ monthly, in a year you are likely to meet someone who will be thankful to you for giving them another chance at freedom and peaceful work.
How would gender dysphoria feel?
One month of hormones for a transgender person costs around 60€ and is especially difficult to obtain once they have to move and settle down somewhere else.
They are glad to start working and paying for insurance again but the body cannot wait.
By donating 10€ monthly, in half a year you can gift a person one month of basic comfort.

Small contributions can better the situation significantly
There are so many situations when the suffering of others is invisible. However, small contributions can better the situation significantly. By supporting one another, we are getting stronger not only as a community but also as humanity. Let's gain power to fight for ourselves and against authoritarian regimes together!
We are always interested in new team members and reinforcements to support our on-going projects and initiatives and facilitate new ones. We value your professional expertise, time and commitment!
- Communications
- Relocation
- Verification
- PR and SMM
- Partnership
- Fundraising
- Monitoring and Research
- Advocacy
- IT and Security
- And others!
Donations help us support our daily operations, attend advocacy conferences, organize events but - most importantly - evacuate LGBTIQ people facing danger in their home countries and advocate for their rights.
We are looking for new volunteers in the following areas:Team support
All the work done at EQUAL PostOst is arranged on a voluntary basis. Our team consists of engaged and caring experts, who often work overnight to react to urgent cases and respond in crisis situations. We are working on establishing balance and preventing burnouts, however, you can always contribute to help support our human resources, e.g. donate directly for that purpose, propose your services for a team or personal retreat or arrange self-care options!
We are open to new suggestions and opportunities!
- if you would like to provide office space, event venue or emergency shelter
- if you want to share your expertise or project with our audience
- if you have a partnership proposal (event, merch, project, etc)
- if you are looking for media cooperation
Membership and Participation
To become a member of the organization click here
This will help you stay informed and involved as well as support us with your membership fee.
Your participation in our events is, too, a way to support our work as it acknowledges the importance of our agenda and helps us build a much needed community.